Monday, March 26, 2012

Dreams, Distractions, Doodles and Hairstyling!

If anyone is paying attention out there, I've been slacking on my blog and maybe a bit on my artistic dreams. I'll just be honest and say that I have been a little distracted, as indicated by doodles representing a certain individual (versus puppet sketches). This is how it soon as you let go of certain ideas/dreams and decide to totally be yourself...some really amazing bro comes along and challenges that. True story. I mean this is a good way, and I am thankful for all of his support and patience as I figure out how to reconcile these two amazing dreams that were realized within a week of each other. <3

I have been reading through the Sasha and the Pearl script over the last few weeks and feverishly jotting down various ideas for setting, character, and sound. Tonight is the first night in a while that I actually sat in my studio between loads of laundry and other things. I started with some crude sketches of the first few scenes, and hope some puppet making will commence this weekend. In the meantime, I heart watercolor pencils. I am pretty sure I want to make the show (if possible) a good mix of puppet techniques. e.g. I think it would work well if Sasha's parents in one room were depicted as silhouette or shadow puppets, while Sasha is a 3D rod puppet. At this point, I think I am going to use one of my sculpted heads for Sasha.
Sasha's parents (left) as Shadow Puppets with Sasha sitting up in bed.
Sasha and the Fairy...wish, wish, wishing for magic stones.

I still need to learn to sew (other than hand stitch) so it seemed logical to start thinking about hair. My sister has bins of amazing yarn in our attic that she said I could use. Thank you, Schister Annie! I found a few shades of brown with various textures. I'm in the stage of "gathering" the yarn, and plan to install and trim the hair once I have the face finished. However, it was fun to experiment and I really didn't think I'd feel so jazzed about playing with yarn. I loved how the three types are yarn look together.

Unfortunately that's all I had time for tonight. I wanted to update this blog and actually have to do work work this evening and try to get into bed so I can commit to my running goals. So many little time to sleep if I want to accomplish them. Good night!


  1. I really like the ideas, I am totally seeing it come together. And great yarn hair!

  2. Great! Thanks. I need to touch base and see if I can get together to see if Claudia wants to help make/learn to make puppets with me this weekend!

  3. If you don't have a dream . . .How you gonna make a dream come true? How wonderful that you are Going for it.


  4. Thank you for sharing your dreams! I have a friend who is a professional puppeteer. He actually worked with Mr. Jim Henson back in the day and owns his own company. I'd be happy to introduce you over facebook. Here is Marc's website for you to take a look. Let me know. You're amazing, you know!!! Keep going for it!!!
    Rebecca Burroughs

    1. Thanks! And yeah, thanks for introducing me to Marc over Facebook when you do! I appreciate it!

  5. In a different world, it could have been "Sasha and the Perl script"... in that world, the hair would be much more tangled, and not so amazing. I love the expression on the puppet's face.

    1. John...that is the ultimate joke for my blog!
